Church membership isn’t like joining a civic organization like the Lions Club or a social organization like a country club. You don’t become a member of a church for social status or to do good deeds. Church membership is an identification with and a commitment to a particular local church. When you become a member, you’re saying, “This is my family in the Lord. I’m committed to their spiritual well-being, they’re committed to mine, and together we’re going to live out the Christian life on mission for the gospel.”
Membership at Redeeming Grace is a three-step process.
Step One:
Attend the membership class. Typically there are two rounds of membership classes each year: one in the fall and one in the spring. In the membership class you’ll learn about our church - who we are, what we believe, where we’re headed, and what membership entails. Upon completion, those who attend are able but not obligated to move to the second step in the process.
Step Two:
Meet with a pastor. Here the prospective member meets with one or two of the elders to provide basic biographical information, recount God’s saving work in his or her life, and affirm his or her agreement to our church’s membership criteria.
Step Three:
Publicly enter into membership on a Sunday morning.