Gathering for worship on Sunday morning is a highlight at Redeeming Grace and we hope you’ll join us. We know it can be intimidating to come to a church not knowing how things work so we’ve tried to anticipate some questions you might have.

How Should I Dress?

Dress comfortably and be yourself. Overall, most dress more casually at Redeeming Grace. You can wear jeans if that’s comfortable for you, or even shorts in the summer months. In the end, don’t worry about what you wear because we don’t.

What Do I Do When I Arrive?

When you come in you’ll be greeted by a friendly face who will give you a guide to our morning worship service, answer any questions you might have, and direct you to our kids' area. We have nursery care and preschool classes available during the entire morning and age-appropriate bible classes for 1st through 6th graders during core seminars from 9:30-10:15.

What Happens During the Worship Service?

The guide to our morning service will give you an idea of what to expect. In this time together, we will sing, pray, read Scripture, listen to a sermon, and partake of the Lord’s Supper (Communion).

Congregational Singing

We love to sing together at Redeeming Grace! We love the doctrinally rich older hymns of the faith (sometimes sung to a new tune) as well as newer songs. So you can expect a mix of both new and old songs that are centered around the truths of the gospel and lend themselves to congregational singing.


Scripture calls the church a house of prayer. You can expect our services to be punctuated by times of prayer. One such time is the “pastoral prayer” where one of our elders leads the congregation in an extended time of prayer for the members and mission of our church, for the flourishing of other gospel-preaching churches in our area, and for the spread of the gospel through various missions efforts we support.

Scripture Reading

Another consistent element of our service is the public reading of Scripture. The Scripture readings come from all portions of God’s Word and we encourage you to follow along as the passage is read in your own Bible or you can use the one that we provide.


Every week, our pastor preaches a sermon from God’s Word and typically our sermon series are expositional, meaning we’re going through books of the Bible. Our goal in each sermon is to understand what each passage of God’s Word is saying and how to apply it to our lives. Our sermon series usually alternate between the Old and New Testaments, but they are always focused on Christ since he’s the focal point of every book of the Bible.

The Lord’s Supper

We participate in the Lord’s Supper each week through which we remember Christ’s atoning death and our identity as members of one body by eating bread and drinking juice (symbolizing Christ’s body and blood).